Canadians expect next-gen future of living to be worse

Canadians are more likely to have a lower standard of living in the future according to a new survey.

Nanos Research polled more than 1,000 Canadian adults with 44% saying that the next generation will have a lower standard of living than Canadians have today; 20% think they will have it better and 28% think it will be the same.

Sentiment is weakest west of Quebec where 47% of those in Ontario and the Prairies, and 51% in BC say the standard of living will decrease, compared to around 1 in 5 across those regions expecting it to increase.

There has been a slight increase in the share of respondents who think the next generation will enjoy a higher standard of living compared to a previous poll in February.

The weakest sentiment is among the youngest cohort polled. More than half of those aged 18-34 believe the standard of living will be lower compared to around 41% of those aged 35 and above.

Women are also slightly more likely to be pessimistic about the outlook for the next generation with 44.3% predicting a lower standard of living compared to 43.3% of men.

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